
Quantum Leap through the Eclipse Portal!

How is everyone holding up? Just when we had hoped this wave of pandemic craziness, shortages of goods, the economic pause & cascade of job upheavals might begin to right itself, we find ourselves in a tidal pool of social unrest. A deep cry for collective change can be heard around the globe. The people call out for a new world

Quantum Leap through the Eclipse Portal! Read More »

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall~ Venus rx!

Rest, Reflect, Renew… Venus retrograde occurs every two years, for six weeks. As this equates to a 40 day and 40 night journey, it has a historically mystical meaning that implies a time of testing, with a potential resurrection following. With Venus, the planet of love and beauty, this time of trial will relate to the very essence of our lives: our relationship

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall~ Venus rx! Read More »

2020 Threshold & New Moon Activation

    As I sit staring at my computer, waiting for the words to come for me begin this newsletter, waves of intricate thought patterns, feelings, and visions weaving in and out of multiple space-time continuums, I find myself noticing my breath. Something I have been doing more of lately. Bringing my awareness to the simple, yet precious mystery of

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