Astro-Updates & Shannon's Offerings

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Shannon's Astrology Updates

2025 Transit Updates Clips

In case you missed the predictions earlier this year, you can get up to date where things are going astrologically and globally! Here are some video highlights PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL! GET READY FOR WHAT IS COMING… AND...

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Who Am I?
Why am I here?

What is my purpose ?

Each person on this planet is born with their own unique Soul Blueprint and inherent Evolutionary Purpose that if fulfilled, not only will inspire a life filled with joy, meaning and passion, but can also bring to fruition your deepest desires and help you reach your greatest potential.

“Using my unique blend of gifts in astrology and life coaching, I will help you discover what your personal blueprint and purpose is and guide you in bringing this purpose and passion into every aspect of your life.”

This is your Sacred Life Map – and the key to unlocking your limitless potential and living a full intentional life…

Shannon portrait photo

“Using my unique blend of gifts in astrology and life coaching, I will help you discover what your personal blueprint and purpose is and guide you in bringing this purpose and passion into every aspect of your life.”

Synchronize with the Stars!

Shannon works with adults, couples, adolescents & children to help unlock your hidden potentials!

Astro Sessions

Gift of a lifetime! Have your Soul Blueprint NATAL Chart translated through exploring your Archetypal Rulers, Evolutionary karma-dharma & recalling your spiritual contract!

Soul Mentoring

From Heaven to Earth! Step by step, Shannon will guide the grounding of your cosmic map into form, supporting you to remove obstacles to your genius and manifest your highest potential timeline. 

Teen Coaching

The current climate can feel confusing & overwhelming for our youth. Shannon is gifted at helping to guide them from a Soul-centered place of understanding, empowerment and trust in themselves. 

Work with Shannon

Now set the appointment time for your session with the new online booking system! If you are a New Client or new to astrology, please book one of the initiatory sessions with Shannon first.

Group Activations

‘Have Shannon give an Oracle Astrology Transmission to your group or retreat to help set your container by painting the current higher cosmic vision in context to your specific theme… ‘As above, so below’. 


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