MASSIVE week with far reaching implications has arrived as we are now just days away from the USA’s Pluto Return which is February 22nd!
Many Happy Returns! Perhaps you are unaware, nations have astrology charts just like people do. The same way the Sun returns to where it was on your birthday, so all of the planets have ‘returns’. With power-hungry God of the Underworld-Pluto, which has a 248 year orbital cycle; this is colossal!
Essentially we look at the energies of the planet ‘returning’ to glean what themes will arise. When it is our solar return (birthday), it is a ‘rebirth’ of our ‘light’, and the expression of our essential self. However, when we are speaking of ‘Dark-Mother’ Pluto, we are faced with the shadow and all things ‘hidden’.
I don’t think we need to go too deep into a discourse as to what is happening in our reality. Many see the underhanded, corrupt, misuse of power has being revealed within our system which now undermines our liberties. While others see selfish individuals demanding freedom at the expense of the greater good. The perfect Aquarian Storm is being presented. Of greater importance is.. ‘What NOW?’
Pluto returns are about the ending of empires, the changing of guards, and the transfer of power. Now put this into the context of our emergence into the ‘Age of Aquarius’ and it becomes clearer. Most people want their freedom, their sovereignty. Many have reached a threshold with the manipulation, control, and disregard for the sacred, while still others are vested in the system and holding onto the paradigm that supports them, the only reality they have known.
Can you feel the energy rising? There are millions of people banding together globally to stand up for our freedoms, to demand transformation, to take back our lives and our liberties! (of course this is all censored from mainstream media!)
This is not just a ‘moment’ in time, Pluto being the farthest and slowest moving planet is now merely opening the gates to the underworld. February 22nd is the first of three exact hits which will happen in 2022, which precedes it’s official entry into Aquarius March 23rd, 2023. As astrology is merely a history of cycles, it is important to note that- the last time Pluto entered Aquarius, was the time of global revolution. We are looking at a multi-year process of intense alchemy here friends. We must be awake during this time. We must meet the energies. And we must trust what lies on the other side of this birth canal. Remember*…’we can’t have Summer without Winter’. And the new Spring will come…
Now is the time for global transformation. The Age of Pisces is over, the epoch of time where the prevailing myth was the misconception of the separation of matter and spirit, of God and man. The Great Awakening upon us is igniting the remembrance of our unity, that we are one sacred organism. It is this awareness that will be the guiding force to take the reigns, and our power back. However be sure, we have quite the battle ahead.
If you wish to hear more on this and the building energies of the year, Russell and I walk through the pertinent astrology aspects of 2022, month by month on our favorite podcast – “Beyond the Illusion”- and you may tune in by clicking HERE:

‘The Lover’ and ‘The Warrior’ come together in the sky today at 16˚ Capricorn. This dynamic duo dances together in the sky annually, usually for around ten days. However this year they tango side by side all the way into March, waltzing into conjunction with underworld Pluto March 3rd, and then boogying on into Aquarius together March 6th!
What does this mean?
For me, this gives me hope and validates that the underlying principle of the New Age (which is union of opposites), is powerfully embodied as the foundational backdrop as we traverse this moment of momentus magnitude of the US Pluto Return/cusp between the Pisces & Aquarius Age.
‘The return of the divine androgyne’ is a hallmark phrase of this upcoming 2100 year-epoch. We have entered a time in which each of us are participating in the architecture of the new creation. Some will be creators, while others will become the material on which a new world is built. From multiplicity we are returning to singularity; from separation, into union. From the sleep-walking amnesia, we fully awaken. And we do this by dancing with duality. Embracing the sacred mirror that surrounds us, finding humor in the mystery, and reclaiming our divinity and ultimate participation in the creation of it all. When enough of us re-member ourselves as creators, we will stop the destruction. We will reclaim the garden, and live in the joyful state of our choosing.
…On a lighter note – the union of Venus and Mars represents the creation force! The ecstasy of the divine, and the cultivation of the divine elixir… it’s a great day to press ‘pause’ on the intensity, ignite your romantic passion and dissolve into Oneness!

This Full Moon lunation illuminates what is at the heart of our deepest passion and purpose; it beckons us to release our fullest expression in honor of the greater whole. If you have been sitting on the sidelines of your life, or glued to the ever changing narrative and propaganda in the media, this is the moment to activate in whatever direction is most inspiring to you! The lion is courageous & bold, protective & loyal…as we mobilize ourselves to meet the challenges of this time, we must embody the heart of the Lion and remove whatever binds, distracts, or anesthetizes us. THE TRUTH IS LIKE A LION, LET IT LOOSE AND IT WILL DEFEND ITSELF!