Eclipse Integration into Scorpio Season

ECLIPSE PORTAL Sept 2nd – Oct 17th


Whoosh! What a ride, huh?! Did everyone survive?!! (kidding/not kidding… It has been rough ride for many!)

Because seriously, eclipse seasons are notoriously always the most intense! They can be ‘intensely amazing’ and have shocking opportunities appear from seemingly nowhere, or they can be ‘ruthlessly shocking’ and knock us to our knees. Either way, they accelerate the ‘evolutionary clock’ forward.

It is the usual case that during the portal, the energies feel super amplified, chaotic, and confusing. This is due to the ‘law of correspondence’ which is essentially how astrology works. The ‘light’ becomes obscured by one of the planetary bodies so the shadows become enhanced. 

Eclipses also affect the electromagnetic field of the earth by disrupting the ionization process of the ionosphere through altering the flow of the electric currents. Essentially, it makes people a little crazy. A little unstable. More emotional. Not to mention everything speeds up and so amplified, accelerated, shadow material… equals chaos.

However, on the flip side, this jolt from above can also bring about God-speed developments, as if the laws of attraction were on steroids! I have experienced devastating loss, as well as some of the biggest miracles in my life during eclipse seasons!

This recent eclipse seasons’ themes were regarding the ‘final chapter’ in our relationship alchemy (Aries/Libra) that has been in the spotlight since April 2023. Lots of endings… but also many upgrades!

We also had our first eclipse in Pisces of the next two year process, where the nodes will be this axis along with Virgo. So some of the energies and events we experienced were sort of the ‘premonition’ of the shifting cutting-edge of our collective evolution. Pisces rules the forces that are larger than us, that we cannot define or control. STORMS are one of them. Helene and Milton, along with several other massive storms in the world were definitely related to this shift. Addiction, is also the shadow of Pisces, and there has been and will be more and more people suffering and struggling with this impetus to escape.

With Pisces, we also will see more people awakening spiritually. Additionally, those already on the path will have an easier time ascending into higher frequencies so long as they are attuning their temple (Virgo) to purity and healthy rituals. 

Now that the gate is closed, it is the time to assess the journey, and start the integration process. The eclipse cycles carry the deeper evolutionary themes and contracts of our Soul’s journey and we dance with them every six months. Our next eclipse portal will be in March 2025 with the final eclipse in Aries, and our first one in Virgo. The ‘big wheels keep on turnin’!

SCORPIO SEASON OCT 22nd – Nov 21st

As the evolutionary clock moves forward – from the Libra ‘mirror’ ~ the ‘shadow’ is revealed – and thus, we are summoned to begin our descent into the underworld… Welcome to Scorpio Season~!

The leaves wither, die, and fall from the trees… the snake goes into ‘ecdysis’, the molting of their exoskeleton then shedding and leaving behind the old. And we, as humans, also regenerate through the process of descent, and ascent, as we ride the waves of time. 

We are no different than nature – we are nature. But why do we so often fear and resist ‘the surrender’, as one time or season becomes another? Scorpio Season teaches us the art of letting go. The process of death and rebirth, we may also relate to the duality of Light & Dark. And, in this month of ‘the Dark Mother’, we are invited to look beneath the surface, to peer behind the curtain, and to clean out the proverbial closets.

Shining the light in the dark is what catalyzes evolution. Avoidance, projection, denial, all only perpetuate the collective amnesia we are so desperately needing to awaken from.Through suffering consciousness is accelerated. We are training and sharpening the heart & mind. This is the time to do the dirty work.

Scorpio naturally carries with it a level of intensity, but this particular year, there are some amplifying alignments that we should be aware of:

Oct 30th: Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus

Mercury is mind, communication & information. In Scorpio – it is digging deep, seeing through the illusions and dredging up the swamp. Uranus ‘the lightening bolt of change in the hands of destiny’ in opposition – brings potentially sudden, shocking information catalyzing a turn of events. Stormy weather ahead. 

Nov 1st: Scorpio New Moon with Mars opposing Pluto

This is one of the most volatile oppositions in astrology and is the first of three that will occur as Mars will retrograde beginning in December through April. Mars currently in Cancer- isn’t happy there. Mars is ‘the warrior’ and likes to be overtly in action utilizing its fire for pioneering endeavors. Cancer ruling our emotional world, home, and family- directs that fire internally resulting in potential  anxiety, irritability, anger, and at its worst – violence. 

Opposing Pluto – ‘the God of the Underworld’ this is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. This opposition will be in orb through the election period. It will be very important to commit to deepening our practices of non-reactivity, mindfulness, and deep breathing. Alchemizing these two powerhouse energies lends the potential for powerful shifts & activations in our personal and collective sphere. May we use the force for positive change! Stay heart-centered and stay alert….

We all know this is a precarious time. The power and focus of the ONE MIND has never been so crucial. Millions of people around the world were meditating, visualizing and sending calming energy towards hurricane Milton. And it WORKED! This is our capacity, and our RESPONSIBILITY as the AWAKENED DREAMERS. 

By-standing in this reality is no longer an option. We CHOOSE to be here for this final showdown on Earth~ leaving behind the Dark Age and weaving the tapestry of the Age of Light. We are all needed and to be fully employed in working our magic through our alignment with the frequencies of love, peace, and equanimity. Keeping our eyes upon the horizon through the storm. (And this is beyond just a vote in a political system.)  

Remember to see through the eyes of neutrality over duality. Don’t question your gifts and your role, it is all destined and written in the stars! 

To become more clear on what your SOUL’s BLUEPRINT is all about… dive in with me in a private one-on-one. It is my honor to ‘reflect YOU, back to you’. πŸ™πŸ’ŽπŸ’œ

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